Wednesday, August 15, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Tonight's schedule and Sunday' schedule

We have air throughout the church building….yahoo.  We are a soft people I know, but I do have to say, I like a cool room.


What we do not have for tonight is access to all the children’s education classrooms and the big room, as repairs continues (today they are replacing the molding).

So for tonight we will all be in the auditorium for a combined class. The exception to this will be the teens who will meet in the church office.


On Sunday we will have access to all the rooms except for the big room.  So on Sunday we will be holding all the various classes.  Therefore teachers, be prepared to teach on Sunday.   As the big room will not be available Kidsquest will not be held.  So this Sunday will be a Family Worship time.


I thank you for your understanding during this time of disruption. 


In Him,


Wade Gillespie



Ps.  Say a prayer for the children as by now they are all back in school.


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