Friday, January 12, 2007

Wednesday Nights 2007

What a great start to a new year.  We began our new Wednesday night gatherings last evening with over 30 teens and adults there.


Our new format begins with a time of worship with our Jr. & Sr. High and then we break up into smaller groups to discuss a video or devotional thought.  Last night our discussion stemmed around God’s sovereignty in our lives – that He is Good all the time, even when he says no to us.  As we experience His love and grace in our lives, we learn to trust Him, which develops our faith in His unconditional love for us.  It is sometimes a scary place to be, but when God calls us to live a life for Him, it can be more than we ever imagined if we give it all up to Him.


I encourage our parents to encourage your teens to be a part of the Lafayette Teen Ministry gatherings.  We have 2 built-in gathering times on Sunday mornings at 9 AM and Wednesday evenings at 7 PM.  On Sunday mornings, the Jr. High is studying the “Basics of Christianity” with Jeff & Nancy Schweikhard and the Sr. High is looking at New Testament Highlights with Lee Ann and me.  We are working to make the most of those gathering times.  They can only have an affect on your teen if they are present.   


It was so encouraging last night to watch 3 of our teens stay after class and discuss the material that we had gone over - digging deeper to see what God was specifically calling them to in a relationship with Him.  As we continue to grow in Christ, the things we may think are important to us today begin to pale in comparison to all He has to offer if we will just look to Him to fill us instead of the things the world has to offer.



Because of the Cross,



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