Friday, January 26, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Quick Notes

I am on my way to TLC…just waiting for a few teens to arrive and wanted to get a quick note out with a couple of updates…


First of alldeadline for Winterfest is Wednesday, January 31

Winterfest – February 16-18 (High School)

You must sign up and pay your deposit by January 31.  You can download the form HERE.  Give your money and form to Lee Ann this Sunday




The date for our Gulf Coast Mission Trip has been set.  We will be going to New Orleans June 9-15.  I know that is Sr. High Week at Ne-O-Tez but it was the best option we had this year.  The group will be limited to 25 and it is for Jr. & Sr. High.  MUCH more detail will be given soon.  The total cost should be no more than $300 (that is a high estimate that includes meals, lodging, tools,etc.)


I will try to get more youth group info out on Monday…


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636-394.2338 - fax




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