Friday, January 26, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Quick Notes

I am on my way to TLC…just waiting for a few teens to arrive and wanted to get a quick note out with a couple of updates…


First of alldeadline for Winterfest is Wednesday, January 31

Winterfest – February 16-18 (High School)

You must sign up and pay your deposit by January 31.  You can download the form HERE.  Give your money and form to Lee Ann this Sunday




The date for our Gulf Coast Mission Trip has been set.  We will be going to New Orleans June 9-15.  I know that is Sr. High Week at Ne-O-Tez but it was the best option we had this year.  The group will be limited to 25 and it is for Jr. & Sr. High.  MUCH more detail will be given soon.  The total cost should be no more than $300 (that is a high estimate that includes meals, lodging, tools,etc.)


I will try to get more youth group info out on Monday…


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636-394.2338 - fax




Friday, January 19, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Lafayette Teen Ministry News and Event Information - Friday, January 19, 2007

Good morning Lafayette Family.  Things continue to ramp up in the Lafayette Teen Ministry.  There is a lot of information below.  If you have a teen or are interested in helping the Teen Ministry, be sure to read through it carefully and mark your calendars.  We continue to be encouraged by so many of your comments and support!


Contacting Me

Feel free to contact us:

Home – 636.549.4464

Cell – 636.549.4505 (for now)

                Be sure to leave messages – like many of you, with a family of 5, we are always on the go.

e-mail is a great way communicate –


Classes, Teachers & Help!!!

Classes are the main focus right now.  We want our classes to be outstanding, not just fill time.  We need teachers who are passionate about Jesus and teens.  There will be opportunity for you to sign up at our Ministry Fair next Sunday, January 28.  Please consider what role you can play in ministering to and through our teens.  You do not have to be a teen parent or veteran to help.  If you want to get a jump on getting you name on the list, SEND ME AN E-MAIL NOW!!!  There are different roles we can plug you into.  Don’t let the fact that you’ve never taught teens before stop you – we will put you with a veteran and help train you.


It’s exhilarating to see our adults involved in the Teen classes right now.  As is usually the case, I believe they are learning and getting as much or more out of teaching than the students.  What a thrill it is to be a part of God’s Kingdom Work!  Planting seeds, changing lives day by day!


Service Opportunity

The following is a request for help from Donna Roper:

I would like to request help from some of the teens in creating a City Outreach Mission Display Board for the upcoming Ministry Fair.  I would like to just give them the pictures and let them create a colorful display board.  Please let me know if someone can help.  Thanks.

Donna Roper

If you can help this week, please contact Donna



I am working on a calendar where you can get all of the information you need.  While it’s not done yet, you can start checking it out.



TLC – January 26-28

Area-Wide Youth Ministry (AWYM)


Training Leaders for Christ is an area-wide program to help develop Christian Leaders in the St. Louis Area.  This year we have 4 teens representing Lafayette.  Charles Portwood, Dylan Roper, Chelsea Hirth and Rochelle Aston – these students are putting forth extra effort to help the Lafayette Youth Group move in a direction of glorifying God by serving one another and others.  We will be going to the Drury Plaza Hotel in downtown St. Louis.


Lafayette Ministry Fair – January 28

Teens – this is for you too!  You are a part of the family at Lafayette.  We all need to be working and serving one another.  Find a ministry and help.  Encourage your parents to help you help.  Just because you are a teen doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to offer.  1 Timothy 4:12


Bison Daze – February 8-11

Donna Roper is taking of group of West Central Teens to Harding for Bison Daze on February 8-11. It is also open to Lafayette Juniors and Seniors -  You can download the information HERE.  Please let Donna know if you are interested in going by sending her an e-mail or signing up on the Teen Room door.  This event is for Parents and Teens.  The cost for LC participants is $40, you will also be responsible to help with fuel costs.


Girl’s Day – February 11

The Senior Girls are planning a Girl’s day on February 11 following AM services into the afternoon.  This will be a great time for middle school and senior high girls to get together, have fun and serve others.  More info should be out on this next week.


Middle School Movie Night – February 16 

Jeff & Raishelle Day are planning a Movie Night for the Middle School on the evening of February 16 - 6 pm until 10 pm.  Pizza, popcorn, and soda provided.  We will have a “youth group approved” movie title for you next week .  The dress is very casual, comfy, movie watching clothing.  No PJs but sweats are fine.  You can bring a pillow and throw if you want.  We will do a couple of games before the movie for ice breakers.


Winterfest – February 16-18

Winterfest information is available.  You must sign up and pay your deposit by January 31.  You can download the form HERE.



Sr. High Movie Night – February 24

The Finn’s are planning a Movie Night for the High School on the evening of February 24 – more information is coming


Urban Poverty Project – March 2-3

Area-Wide Youth Ministry (AWYM)


TABS @ High Ridge – March 11

Area-Wide Youth Ministry (AWYM)


Ne-O-Tez Staff Training – April 29

Area-Wide Youth Ministry (AWYM)

McKnight Road – 12:30-5:00 PM contact Steve Awtrey @ 314-968-1281


LTC April 6-8

At this point, neither Kathy or I have received any feedback on the e-mail I sent last week concerning LTC parent participation.  Here is the information I sent: 

There are several jobs that need to be filled quickly if Lafayette is to participate in LTC April 6-8.  We are actually running several months behind.  The jobs that need to be filled include:


Church coordinator – This is the lead person.  This person coordinates registration and all the Event Leaders for students participating in LTC, is in charge of communicating meetings and deadlines with students and parents.  He/She is the contact person with LTC and communicates and organizes information with LTC.  He/She is responsible for collecting and handing out awards following the convention.  This person should be planning on attending the conference.  (Kathy and I can help with some administrative details).  Organization and communication are great skill sets to have for doing this job.


Event Leader – this person is responsible for mentoring students in the specified event for LTC.  Events that will need coordinators are listed below.  You will be responsible for coordinating meetings to help students who are signed up to participate in the event.  This requires being knowledgeable about the field and having a desire to teach and lead students through the process of doing and understanding the skills required for the event.



If you are interested in taking on either of these 2 roles please contact Kathy Crown and Me



Gulfcoast Mission – Early June


JHDD – Junior High Discipleship Days – June 7 & 14  July 19 & 26, August 2-3

Area-Wide Youth Ministry (AWYM)


Camp Ne-O-Tez – 10th-12th grade – June 10-16


Camp Ne-O-Tez – 6th-8th Grade – June 17-23


KidsFest – June 24-30



Camp Ne-O-Tez – 8th – 10th grade – June 24th-30th



Soul Lift – July 22-23

Area-Wide Youth Ministry (AWYM)

Area-wide Praise Team Information – If you are interested in singing on the Soul Lift Praise Team, you can download an application HERE!  


Honduras – July 25-Aug 1

We had several at the Honduras Meeting last week.  If you missed the meeting, you can download the information pack here.  Just a reminder that we only have 15 tickets reserved so if you are interested in going, you need to get your deposit in soon.  The packet should have all the information you need but feel free to call if you have any questions.


Camp Ne-O-Tez Volleyball Tournament – September 9






Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636-394.2338 - fax




Friday, January 12, 2007

Wednesday Nights 2007

What a great start to a new year.  We began our new Wednesday night gatherings last evening with over 30 teens and adults there.


Our new format begins with a time of worship with our Jr. & Sr. High and then we break up into smaller groups to discuss a video or devotional thought.  Last night our discussion stemmed around God’s sovereignty in our lives – that He is Good all the time, even when he says no to us.  As we experience His love and grace in our lives, we learn to trust Him, which develops our faith in His unconditional love for us.  It is sometimes a scary place to be, but when God calls us to live a life for Him, it can be more than we ever imagined if we give it all up to Him.


I encourage our parents to encourage your teens to be a part of the Lafayette Teen Ministry gatherings.  We have 2 built-in gathering times on Sunday mornings at 9 AM and Wednesday evenings at 7 PM.  On Sunday mornings, the Jr. High is studying the “Basics of Christianity” with Jeff & Nancy Schweikhard and the Sr. High is looking at New Testament Highlights with Lee Ann and me.  We are working to make the most of those gathering times.  They can only have an affect on your teen if they are present.   


It was so encouraging last night to watch 3 of our teens stay after class and discuss the material that we had gone over - digging deeper to see what God was specifically calling them to in a relationship with Him.  As we continue to grow in Christ, the things we may think are important to us today begin to pale in comparison to all He has to offer if we will just look to Him to fill us instead of the things the world has to offer.



Because of the Cross,
