Thursday, February 18, 2010

[TeenMinistry] Winterfest Reminders

Hey Gang – Last minute stuff for the weekend.

Medical Release & INFO Forms

I sent an e-mail to those of you who need a Medical Release form…If you didn’t get a notice earlier, then you are good!  PARENTS – if you have updated information, it is your responsibility to get that info to me so please fill out a new form if anything has changed.  CLICK HERE get a form.

Last Minute Notes

·         ARRIVE – at 5:30 AM tomorrow

·         BREAKFAST – BRING YOUR BREAKFAST tomorrow or eat before you come – we are not stopping for breakfast.

·         PACK A CARRY-ON – your luggage will be down below in the cargo bays – make sure you have an extra bag with your “trip stuff” – money, games, medicine, etc.

·         Meals – you can bring a sack lunch too.  We can put it in a cooler.  You can also bring microwavable stuff for meals over the weekend.

·         Snacks – bring your own snacks for the weekend.

·         Money – Jr. High parents – if you would like an adult to dole out meal money to your child, let me know.  Bring the money in an envelope tomorrow morning for each child.  (This is not mandatory just if you think your child needs a little extra help J )

·         Coats – we stand outside for long periods of time.  Even though the highs are in the 40s and 50s it will still be cold at night (when we are standing out) so bring a coat!!!!

o   The good thing is the forecast is DRY!!!  YEAH!!!

·         Movies – You guys were not real helpful in narrowing down the movie nominations J SO…bring the movie you want to see and we’ll vote.

·         Games – bring card games, etc for free time in the chalet.

·         LISTENING EARS – the key to the weekend is listen and follow, if everyone does that, it will go very smoothly.

·         Stops – we will not stop to “go to the bathroom” – there’s one on the bus.  We will stop to switch drivers (or when the driver needs a break) and eat lunch.

·         Drivers – the 1st driver’s name is George – tell him “hello” when you get on the bus

o   the 2nd driver’s name is Dennis – tell him “hello” when HE gets on the bus.

Other Questions

·         Can I bring a pillow? – Yes, but if you leave it, we can’t go back.

·         Do I need to bring a towel? – No they provide linens (1 per person)

·         Can I switch rooms? – no.

·         Can I stay up all night? – NO

·         Who is my roomie?  We’ve had some last minute changes so that will be worked out tonight

·         Can I listen to my iPod? – ONLY during quiet time and bedtime – using it at other times will lose the privilege for you the rest of the weekend.

·         Can I sit with friends from other churches?  No – you are coming with the Lafayette group, we are your group.

·         Can I hang out with friends from other churches during free time?  There is very little real free time.  But if it works with what our group is doing and I have permission from your parents, we will see if it’s possible (HS only – remember MS have to be with an adult from our group).

·         When we stop to pick up Fairview Heights can we eat at Cracker Barrel?  NO, we will not get off the bus, they are getting on.

·         What if I still owe money?  Bring it tomorrow or if you can’t bring it tomorrow, we will settle up when we get back but plan on going.







Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13


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