Tuesday, January 26, 2010

[TeenMinistry] Winterfest Details


We have had several more who have indicated they want to go to Winterfest (as well as a couple who needed to back out) so we are trying to nail down transportation needs.  IF YOU WANT TO GO…I need you to commit by THIS SUNDAY! (SEE INFORMATION BELOW) (Tickets are running low and we will have to buy them ASAP…there were only about 800 left this afternoon and they will GO FAST!)  Even if you haven’t indicated and you would like to go – this is going to be an awesome trip   WE HAVE NEARLY 50 PEOPLE GOING!

Balances are supposed to be due THIS Sunday as wellCLICK HERE to see your Balance Due AND also to make sure you are on the list - (if you need another week or so we should be OK with that). 

PLEASE give to Felicia Smith or ME (please don’t give to my family members)  OR you can throw it in the mail today – 115 New Ballwin Rd., Ballwin, MO 63021.  I WILL NOT BE THERE DURING WORSHIP OR CLASSES – I should return by the end of classes with our TLC attendees. 


We are putting together a fund-raiser to try to get us to the point of being able to charter a bus.  It is much more convenient and safer.  There will be info coming out tonight about how YOU CAN HELP!  (hint:  teens keep Saturday evening, Feb 13 open)




CLICK HERE FOR A MEDICAL RELEASE & INFO FORM - You MUST have one of these on file!!!


Winterfest - Gatlingburg, TN

February 19-21

WINTERFEST has become THE EVENT for our youth group.  A weekend youth rally in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, it is a weekend of spiritual growth and a time for our youth group to grow closer together in our relationships with one another.

We try to make all of our events as affordable as possible, The event registration itself is not that bad but the cost of transportation and lodging makes this one of our more expensive events.  If you've been before you know it's worth it.  If you haven't been before, don't let the cost scare you.


If there is room, you can sign up until January 17, the cost for lodging, transportation and Winterfest registration, is going to be $160 .  You need to give me the $ ASAP!!!  (If you need to pay in installments, I understand, see me and we will work something out).


    • A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOST of $160 is due to hold your spot.
    • If you need financial help please see me before you decide not to go.
  • If you need financial help, please see Mike BEFORE you decide to not go because of money.
  • Depending on the number of people going, you may be asked to bring a sleeping bag.
  • This event is for Middle School AND High School
    • Middle School will be under full Adult Supervision
    • High School will have limited Supervision (i.e. Saturday afternoon will be free time, large groups of high schoolers may or may not have an adult with them during this time)
  • Meet at the building on Friday Morning, February 19 – 5:30 AM
  • Should return by 10 PM Sunday, February 21
  • Need: 
    • Breakfast snack for Friday AM (we will stop later morning)
    • Money for  9 meals on the road
  • Can Bring
    • Snacks, etc
    • iPods, etc.
      • This is one of the few trips we allow iPods on. iPods will be allowed AT TIMES during the trip in the van.  NOT WHILE WE ARE THERE AND NOT THE WHOLE WAY THERE!
  • Adults
    • At this time all of the chaperone spots are spoken for.  Depending on the size of the group, there may be an opportunity for other adults to attend.  If you are interested, please contact Mike.



Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


e- mike.brown@lafayettechurch.org

c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13


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