Friday, August 28, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Volleyball Tournament



The Ne-O-Tez Volley Ball Tournament is coming on Sunday, September 13 at Maryland Heights. The cost is $5 plus your food money (we will be eating concessions there – both lunch and dinner! – the food is very cheap! – or you can bring a sack lunch). We will leave at noon (after classes and time to change).

We should be back around 7:15 PM.

The goal is to have 3 or 4 teams. (Categories are Middle School and All Ages)


Here’s the Bullet Form.
What: Neotez Volleyball Tournament
Where: Maryland Heights CoC
When: Sunday, September 13
Leave after AM classes – should Return by 7:15 PM
Cost: $5 plus food money (bring an extra $7 -$15 for both lunch and dinner)
Bring: Fold up lawn chair, games/cards to play during down time, clean shirt for the van ride home – especially boys :)
Still Need: 1 or 2 drivers (if you don’t want to stay all day but would be willing to make a one-way drop-off or pick-up trip please let me know of your availability)

If I don’t want to play do I have to? No – we are still asking you to donate $5 to Ne-O-Tez. The more important thing is that you are with the group. There is plenty of time to hang out and have fun with the group. IF YOU NEED A SCHOLARSHIP LET ME KNOW!

What if I can’t stay all day? That’s OK – come have a good time as long as you can. Make sure you check with me before you leave with your parents.

What is Camp Ne-o-Tez? Camp Ne-o-Tez is a Christian Camp in DeSoto, MO where our teens from the St. Louis area churches of Christ can spend a week (or two or three) each summer learning about Christ and developing relationships that will last through eternity.


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