Friday, August 28, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Volleyball Tournament



The Ne-O-Tez Volley Ball Tournament is coming on Sunday, September 13 at Maryland Heights. The cost is $5 plus your food money (we will be eating concessions there – both lunch and dinner! – the food is very cheap! – or you can bring a sack lunch). We will leave at noon (after classes and time to change).

We should be back around 7:15 PM.

The goal is to have 3 or 4 teams. (Categories are Middle School and All Ages)


Here’s the Bullet Form.
What: Neotez Volleyball Tournament
Where: Maryland Heights CoC
When: Sunday, September 13
Leave after AM classes – should Return by 7:15 PM
Cost: $5 plus food money (bring an extra $7 -$15 for both lunch and dinner)
Bring: Fold up lawn chair, games/cards to play during down time, clean shirt for the van ride home – especially boys :)
Still Need: 1 or 2 drivers (if you don’t want to stay all day but would be willing to make a one-way drop-off or pick-up trip please let me know of your availability)

If I don’t want to play do I have to? No – we are still asking you to donate $5 to Ne-O-Tez. The more important thing is that you are with the group. There is plenty of time to hang out and have fun with the group. IF YOU NEED A SCHOLARSHIP LET ME KNOW!

What if I can’t stay all day? That’s OK – come have a good time as long as you can. Make sure you check with me before you leave with your parents.

What is Camp Ne-o-Tez? Camp Ne-o-Tez is a Christian Camp in DeSoto, MO where our teens from the St. Louis area churches of Christ can spend a week (or two or three) each summer learning about Christ and developing relationships that will last through eternity.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Dads / Moms / Sons / Daughters


Dads – you need to be listening to this!  It’s time to step up in our families.  It’s time to lead!  It’s time to fight for your family!  The culture is pulling your family in all directions away from God!  It’s time to stand up and say “No More!”

Moms – if you have to listen to this first to encourage your husband, please invest the time!  SINGLE MOMS – after you listen to this, let’s talk about options for you.

Sons – this explains the kind of Godly young man you need to be becoming!

Daughters – Don’t settle for less than what God wants to bless you with!

At the following link there is a 4-part series that every parent and child needs to listen to!  Parents, you will be blessed!  The author of the book What He Must Be If He Wants To Marry My Daughter” is being interviewed

Go to to begin or continue Intentional Parenting


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Kidsquest and Nursery Volunter Information FOR TEENS!!!

Kathy asked me to pass this along to our teen volunteers…Teens – thanks for all you help!!!

KidsQuest Small Group Leader Volunteer Training

There will be training for all those wishing to volunteer as a small group leader on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 from 6:15 to 6:55 p.m. in the library. You must attend if you plan to volunteer for the 2009-2010 school year. If you would like to volunteer and are unable to make the training you need to make arrangements with me to train at another time.

We will discuss expectations of small group leaders at the training as well as having a sign-up sheet for the units between September 13 and the end of December. There will be three units between now and the end of the year. You may sign-up for a unit (consisting of four to five lessons, there are only two lessons in the December unit) or to volunteer for the entire time.

There will only be one KidsQuest large group on Sunday mornings but children will be divided into age groups during small group time.

There are a limited number of volunteer positions available.


Note: Only those teens scheduled to volunteer in KidsQuest on Sunday’s will be allowed in the Big Room during Worship beginning September 13.

All teens are welcome to come to the Big Room from 10:15 to 10:30 a.m. on KidsQuest Sunday’s to sing with the children.


Nursery Volunteers Needed

I am currently revising the Sunday morning Nursery schedule. Teens this is an opportunity to serve the youngest members of our congregation as well as our visitors. Many of you are already serving in this way but I am currently revising the schedule and want to give others the opportunity to serve.

Email me we your willingness to serve on a rotation in the Nursery or your intention to attend the volunteer training for KidsQuest.








Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13


Monday, August 10, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Roger - our Compassion Child

You all are doing great with Roger’s contributions!  We have been sponsoring him for 6 months and we are ahead in contributions by 5 months.  You all agreed a few weeks ago to send extra money to the family.  We will be doing that as a Christmas donation in September or October!  You guys are awesome!  If you haven’t seen it, there is a note on the TeenRoom Door from Roger.  Thanks to Chelsea Hirth for getting this going and to Renee’ Aston for heading this up!  Keep bringing that change!

TeenEpic ROCKS!!!


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13


Monday, August 3, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Float Trip

REMINDER:  Senior High Float Trip payments due by Wednesday Night!


Parents - if you haven't filled out a Medical Release & Info Form in a while, it wouldn't hurt to have a new one with updated information on file.