Friday, July 24, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Soulift Info

Hey gang Soulift is HERE!


Here are some details about Sunday and Monday:


Sunday Soulift Youth Rally

  • BRING A SACK LUNCH - we will eat lunch in the Teen Room before we go
  • We will head to Soulift at Florissant
    • Daryl Simmons will be driving the van and "Charles is in Charge" (sorry I couldn't resist)  :)
    • Here is a list of people who bought a dinner -
      • Dane Roper
      • Emma deSambourg
      • Daryl Simmons
      • Kayla Oliver
      • Hannah Lallathin
      • Abby Lallathin
      • Andrea Malcolm
      • Kendall Malcolm
      • Michalie Brown
      • Maleah Brown
      • Laura Portwood
    • We will be eating dinner at the Florissant building
  • The van should return from the youth rally by 10 PM


Monday - Six Flags

·         GOING

o        Meet at the building at 10 AM (Charles is driving the church van) - Let Charles know SUNDAY if you need a ride

§         Bring a $1 to help with gas and parking (EVEN IF IT'S ONLY ONE WAY - going or coming)


o        Meet at Six Flags whenever (Mike will be at Six Flags as early as 9:45 selling tickets for Soulift if you want to come early)

§         PARENTS - Call Charles when you get there - 314-604-4079 - to meet up with the group

§         IF THERE IS NO CALL FROM YOU, We will assume official supervision is not needed.

·         BRING

o        $$ for meals at the park

§         They frown on you bringing in your own food

§         we may leave the park for a while for a fast food dinner but bring enough in case we need to stay

§         Eat a BIG breakfast right before you come and we can eat an early "dinner" around 4 PM

o        Sunscreen

o        Dry Clothes (?)

o        Water bottle

·         WHILE WE'RE THERE (if you're under our official supervision)

§         - if you ride in the van or if your parents call Charles when you get there, you are under our official supervision)

o        Sr. High (including incoming Freshmen) must stay in groups of 3 or more

o        Middle School must stay with Charles or Mike

·         LEAVING

o        Your parent can pick you up any time (PLEASE LET CHARLES KNOW YOU'RE LEAVING)

o        We will leave the park about 9:30 - to be back to the building by 10 PM

o        Parents - If your child stays past 9:30 PM they will not be supervised

·          BACK to the building by 10 PM


LOGISTICAL NOTE - I (Mike) will be around the park most of the day but will be selling tickets and coordinating things for Soulift.  Charles will be the "go-to" person for our group for the day and I will be in touch with him all day.  I should be at the park by about 9:45 AM if you want to drop your teen off early.






Because of the Cross,


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