Friday, June 19, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Kayla Oliver

Kayla Oliver gave her life to Christ in baptism last evening at Camp Ne-O-Tez!  Praise God for His saving mercy and grace!  Pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Sonic Run

Hope to see you at Sonic tonight after classes!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Zoo/Union Station Day

Teen Ministry,

Hello everyone! I hope your summer is going well!

We are currently planning a day out with the youth group to go to the Zoo and hang out in Union Station to have lunch and play some Galactic Glow Putt (Which is Glow in the Dark Putt Putt)! Here's the details:

- It's going to be on June 29th

- Let me know if you want to go. You can either call me at 314.604.4079 if you are going, or email me at, or talk to me if you want to go. Just let me know if you want to go.

- I will have a sign up sheet in the Teen Room tomorrow the 17th for you to sign up on.

- You need to bring $6 to pay for gas and putt putt. You can turn this in to me.

- You need to bring lunch money. We will be stopping at Union Station for lunch.

- We will be meeting at 8:00am on the 29th, and will be back at 4:30pm that afternoon.

I hope you all can attend!

In Him,
Charles R. Portwood II

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Wednesday Night Class

Because we have a dozen of us in Memphis for the Mission Trip, several who will be in Kidsfest Training, as well as several out of town on vacation, our Wednesday night Youth Group “class” will be with the adults in the Adult worship class tomorrow night (Wednesday - 6/10).

Because of the Cross,


[TeenMinistry] Memphis WorkCamp

We are having an awesome week!  Over 300 teens are here working on 20 houses in the City of Memphis.  There are 13 of us here from Lafayette.  Scraping the houses were the order of the day today.  Tomorrow we break out the brushes.  Stories are forming of people in the neighborhoods we are serving in seeing Christ in these teens.  We have had two powerful worship services – it “funny” that when you are tirelessly serving others, somehow worshiping the Lord becomes much more authentic because our attitudes and focus are completely off of ourselves and on the one who deserves all glory!  Lafayette, you can be proud of your teens representing you  - not only in Memphis – but in the body life at Lafayette.


Because of the Cross,


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Memphis Work Camp & Wednesday Night

Teen Ministry Mailing List,

A few reminders about Memphis Work Camp:

If you haven't already paid for Work Camp, you need to do so ASAP. If you have not paid, Tonight, (Wednesday) would be a great time to do so since you will see me at Church tonight. Also, if you are going to Work Camp, you need to make sure you have a paint brush with you when we leave Monday. This is the only supply that every individual needs to bring with them on their own.

A final note from me today about Work Camp: Start getting excited now! We will be helping a lot of people at Work Camp do things that they aren't able to do with their houses. Be exited to share Jesus' love with them!

Tonight we are going to the nursing home, be sure to bring your singing voices and a smile!

I look forward to seeing everyone tonight!

In Him,
Charles R. Portwood II