Thursday, January 22, 2009

[TeenMinistry] LTC Information

Dear LTC Parents:


We had a very productive first meeting this past Sunday for LTC and are very excited about working with the kids.  We just wanted to pass on some information to you----please make your reservations for LTC as soon as possible so we can all be in the same hotel.  You can go to to make them.  Any kids who signed up for pre-convention events need to have those completed before February 9th.  Also, Bible Bowlers should be studying the book of John now!


LTC practices will be held on Sundays directly after church---please have your child bring a sack lunch on these Sundays.  We will not be meeting this Sunday due to TLC and Winterjam, but practices will begin on a regular basis the following Sunday on February 1st.  If for some reason we cannot meet on a Sunday we will let you know via e-mail. 


Thank you for allowing us to work with your kids!


For His Glory,

Dawn and Whitney


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