Saturday, August 9, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Lafayette Teen Center Trivia Night information

Teens & Parents - Felicia Smith is heading up our Trivia Night on August 22. YOU CAN HELP! Please read below. More information coming in another e-mail. All proceeds from the Trivia Night will go toward the Teen House Renovation!

Lafayette Teen Center Trivia Night

Friday, August 22, 7:00 p.m. - ?



All teens can participate in these ways:


Sell enough tickets to fill one table of 8 per family ($10 per ticket, or $75 for table of 8).


Decide what teen service you will offer during silent auction, and minimum bid accepted.  We will have a clip board with your picture, service offered, and bid sheet at the auction table.

Make sure you follow through, contact winning bidder, and complete service in a timely manner.  (Remember, this is a fundraiser for the teen center, so you will not actually receive the money for this service, it goes back to the teen center fund!)  You may want to put a time limit on your service, such as “2 hours of babysitting”.


Act as hosts and hostesses during trivia night.  Please arrive by 6:30 p.m. to offer assistance to guests or assist with setup.  We will have refreshments available for purchase, so you can help raise money by offering these to our guests, and serving them.

We will also need teens to provide babysitting that evening.


We will also be offering “Mulligans” for purchase.  These stickers (sheets of 10) will be available to aid the participants in their game.  They can put one sticker per round on their scoresheets for a correct answer.


*Please notify Felicia Smith regarding your silent auction service.  My number is 636-273-5149, or email




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