Thursday, April 17, 2008

[TeenMinistry] TABS Help!

I apologize if you get this twice; it is going to the Teen List AND the Everyone List.



The Lafayette teens are co-hosting TABS at North City on Sunday, May 4.  (If you don’t know what TABS is, see below***).  If possible, we need the help of as many Lafayette members as we can get. Below are some things we need help with:


  • Approximately 30 dozen cookies
  • $250-$300 to help with meal expenses
  • 2 or 3 Drivers to take teens down (we will be taking the van earlier with “actors” and participants – we’re hoping to have a good number of our own teens there even if they aren’t involved in the service)
  • 4 to 6 parents/helpers to serve the meal and help clean up (this could also be the drivers).


FEEL FREE to call me with questions about these needs (636.549.8644)


There are a couple of ways to let me know if you can help:

  1. CLICK HERE and fill out this quick form (it should only take you 30 seconds and you can do it right now)
  2. e-mail back (just hit reply)
  3. Call me (636.549.8644)
  4. If you just want to bake cookies but can’t do 1, 2 or 3 you can also contact Barb Schrier.


We need all donations by Sunday morning, May 4


Thank you so much for your on-going support of our Teen Ministry at Lafayette!



***TABS is Teen Area Bible Study.  Teens from Churches of Christ throughout the St. Louis area gather at a different sponsoring church’s location 4-6 times per year for worship and fellowship with one another.  The teens in St. Louis have a unique opportunity to build bonds with other teens from throughout the area.  TABS is just one of many area-wide activities that is sponsored by the area youth ministers in St. Louis.  Other annual activities sponsored by the areawide youth ministers include TLC, NeOTez Camp Training, Middle School, Low-Teen & Hi-Teen weeks at Camp NeOTez, JHDD, SoulLift, NeOTez Volleyball Tournament fundraiser and Elevate.

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