Tuesday, April 29, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Tomorrow - "Martyr Practice" & Class

Hey TABS Martyrs don’t forget we have a meeting at 6 PM tomorrow.  You need to have your notecards ready…bring a few blanks in case we need to make a few changes.




FAITH IN ACTION – teens take a role.

Our youth group will be distributing flyers tomorrow during class so make sure you bring some walking shoes. 

I need one or two extra adults (in addition to those who usually help on Wednesday nights) to help – please let me know if you can help.




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Seniors & Senior Parents


I need pictures…if you will please send a graduation picture and other high school / youth group pictures…digital is preferred -  scan them and send them to me by e-mail or bring them on a jump drive or disk.  If you don’t have digital bring in a few hard copy photos (we’ll return them to you)


ALSO – attached is an information form that you need to fill out and send back (fax, hard copy or preferred is e-mail).


I need these by NO LATER THAN THIS Sunday, April 27 – we will be putting together a Sr. video very soon.  If we don’t have the pictures by then, you will miss your shot at being immortalized forever in the Lafayette Teen Ministry Senior video!



SUNDAY, JUNE 1 – we will be honoring our graduating High School Seniors during worship services.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Posted By Mike to Lafayette Teen Ministry at 4/17/2008 01:41:00 PM

[TeenMinistry] TABS Volunteers

Thank you to those who have stepped up to help!!!


We are still in need of

  • about $200 - $250  (20 people @ $10 will go along way)
  • 15-20 dozen cookies



I am waiting on a confirmation but I think our rides and helpers are taken care of!  


Thank you all so much!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Saturday, April 19, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Expelled

Have you ever had one of those days when something comes at you several times in different ways?  I’m usually pretty dense but this one all came in one day! 


That’s the way the movie “Expelled” came at me today.


In about a 4 hour span, I had 2 people recommend it…and “accidentally” ran across 3 different movie reviews while checking out other sites.  I’ll let you decide for yourself…here are the reviews:








I’ll probably be checking this documentary out this week.





Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Thursday, April 17, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Camp Ne-o-tez - Camp Dates / Staff Training / Applications

Hey Campers – it’s time to gear up for CAMP!  Can you believe it’s almost that time again?!!!!

Here are some things you need to know about!






Sunday April 27.

We will leave after morning services to attend Camp Staff Training.  You must attend training if you would like serve as a counselor.  You also need to be 15 years old and a baptized believer.  You will not need to bring anything but a notebook.  They are serving lunch there.  We will return by 5:30 PM.


If you want to be a counselor – you can fill out form HERE!!!





CLICK HERE to get your camp applications





Here are the dates for all week-long camp sessions.  You can go to www.neotez.org for more detailed info.


2008 - SUMMER SCHEDULE - 2008

Grade is the one just completed for the 2007-2008 school year.

June 8th - 10th

PreCamp (Kdg - 2nd Grade)

Marlin Henley


June 15th - 21st

10th - 12th Grade

Steve Awtrey


June 22nd - 28th

6th - 8th Grade

Jimmy Teigen


June 29th - July 5th

8th - 10th Grade



July 6th - 12th

All Ages (3rd - 8th Grade Coed)

Tim Ruiz


July 13th - 19th

3rd - 5th Grade Boys

Joe Taylor/Edward Tritschler


July 20th - 26th

3rd - 5th Grade Girls

Ron Burge


August 3rd - 9th

Urban St. Louis City

Matt Chandler



[TeenMinistry] TABS Help!

I apologize if you get this twice; it is going to the Teen List AND the Everyone List.



The Lafayette teens are co-hosting TABS at North City on Sunday, May 4.  (If you don’t know what TABS is, see below***).  If possible, we need the help of as many Lafayette members as we can get. Below are some things we need help with:


  • Approximately 30 dozen cookies
  • $250-$300 to help with meal expenses
  • 2 or 3 Drivers to take teens down (we will be taking the van earlier with “actors” and participants – we’re hoping to have a good number of our own teens there even if they aren’t involved in the service)
  • 4 to 6 parents/helpers to serve the meal and help clean up (this could also be the drivers).


FEEL FREE to call me with questions about these needs (636.549.8644)


There are a couple of ways to let me know if you can help:

  1. CLICK HERE and fill out this quick form (it should only take you 30 seconds and you can do it right now)
  2. e-mail back (just hit reply)
  3. Call me (636.549.8644)
  4. If you just want to bake cookies but can’t do 1, 2 or 3 you can also contact Barb Schrier.


We need all donations by Sunday morning, May 4


Thank you so much for your on-going support of our Teen Ministry at Lafayette!



***TABS is Teen Area Bible Study.  Teens from Churches of Christ throughout the St. Louis area gather at a different sponsoring church’s location 4-6 times per year for worship and fellowship with one another.  The teens in St. Louis have a unique opportunity to build bonds with other teens from throughout the area.  TABS is just one of many area-wide activities that is sponsored by the area youth ministers in St. Louis.  Other annual activities sponsored by the areawide youth ministers include TLC, NeOTez Camp Training, Middle School, Low-Teen & Hi-Teen weeks at Camp NeOTez, JHDD, SoulLift, NeOTez Volleyball Tournament fundraiser and Elevate.

[TeenMinistry] Seniors & Senior Parents

I need pictures…if you will please send a graduation picture and other high school / youth group pictures…digital is preferred -  scan them and send them to me by e-mail or bring them on a jump drive or disk.  If you don’t have digital bring in a few hard copy photos (we’ll return them to you)


ALSO – attached is an information form that you need to fill out and send back (fax, hard copy or preferred is e-mail).


I need these by NO LATER THAN Sunday, April 27 – we will be putting together a Sr. video that week.  If I don’t have the pictures by then, you will miss your shot at being immortalized forever in the Lafayette Teen Ministry Senior video!



SUNDAY, JUNE 1 – we will be honoring our graduating High School Seniors during worship services.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



[TeenMinistry] Guys Night - Reminder

Hey GUYS (male gender not people in general J) grades 6-12 – you are invited to our (Mike & Lee Ann’s) house on Friday night, April 18.  Bring $5 and your favorite board or electronic game (yes you can bring your wii or whatever – maybe a little Guitar Hero!!!).  You can show up at 6 PM and we’ll be done by 10 PM (come late or leave early if you need to).  We will have hotdogs, nachos and other snacks!!! 


CLICK HERE for a map to our house.



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

[TeenMinistry] How can this Apply to the Youth Group/elementary and the church as a whole? FW: [Everyone] Communion Bread

Paul writes to Titus in Chapter 2

2Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.

 3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

 6Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. 7In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.



Parents (and others), I’ve been thinking:


We’ve got to do a better job of modeling service to our teens and children.  Ironically they are the ones who are wanting to serve and reach out but typically lack the experience and resources to actually put something together.   We are doing that in the context of the “official” youth ministry program with leaf-raking, nursing home visits, working at North City and other things.  But what we are teaching our kids is that unless it is a planned church (or youth group activity) there’s no where I can serve.  All this leads to is everyone waiting around wondering when someone’s going to plan something.  It perpetuates the “me church” mentality.


It’s time to take action.  The e-mail below that Bill sent out the other day is a perfect example:


Moms – wouldn’t it be cool if you called Bill right now (see e-mail below) and said “I’ll take June” and sometime toward the end of May you and your daughter (sons would probably like this too) called 2 or 3 other girls (this can be for elementary or youth group aged girls – and by the way – call girls they don’t normally hang out with) and said “come to our house on Friday night (or Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning) and we’re going make communion bread and hang out.”   Several things are happening: 1) you’re modeling service to your daughter and a few others, 2) you and your daughter are building relationships with girls in the group, 3) you are getting to serve as a mentor to others 4) the communion bread situation is taken care of.


Don’t get hung up on gender or specifics – For instance:


Dads – there are several widows, and older folks in our congregation (as well as right across the street from our building) who need things done around the house.  It’s spring time -  trees have died, shutters have fallen and the grass needs mowed.  Talk to Wade or the elders and say “I want to model service for my son and a few of his friends – who needs something?”  better yet, go directly to someone and say “I need to show my son how to serve, do you have something that needs done which will allow me to do that with him and couple of his buddies?”


  • Instead of your child and friends, it could just be a family activity that you do together.
  • Instead of a child or a teen it could be someone who is not engaged in body life at Lafayette because they don’t know where to jump in


Here are some other ideas (just off the top of my head – this is not an exhaustive list)


  • Computer work for the elderly (my in-laws recently needed some help and someone from church came to reset their modem and get them up and running so they can send e-mails to their grand children)
  • Make cookies or a meal and take to someone in need
  • Plant flowers for someone who can’t spend the afternoon on their knees
  • Go do a couple loads of laundry for someone (you get the added benefit of teaching your kids how to do laundry without ruining your clothes)
    • Have your  kids grab wet baptismal clothes after a baptism and take them home to wash
  • Write cards and notes to shut-ins and military (Becky or Carol can get you a list)
  • Take communion to shut-ins (Jack Coffey would love to go with you!)
  • Clean someone’s  windows who can’t climb a ladder
  • Babysit for a young mom who just needs to get away for an hour
  • Help Sean Moore with Room at the Inn
  • Take a job on the upcoming clean-up day and tell Bill not to worry about that
  • I’m sure many of you could add to this list but the point is there are tons of ways to serve


Don’t forget the primary purpose of this note is to engage our children (or others who aren’t already doing so) in serving and us in mentoring.  It’s easy to throw together communion bread – communion bread isn’t the desired goal.  Relationships are – isn’t that what communion is about – otherwise it’s just a sacrament and another hole punched in the religious card of going to church instead of being the church.  Will it take longer to “get the job done”?  Most likely but  in church work and relationships the process is more important than end result.


The serendipity to serving is that I gradually become less consumed with me – which ironically is what God calls us to do.




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax




From: everyone-bounces@lafayettechurch.org [mailto:everyone-bounces@lafayettechurch.org] On Behalf Of Bill Hirth
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 11:15 AM
To: Everyone
Subject: [Everyone] Communion Bread


Hi Everyone


We are looking for 3 or 4 people to make communion bread for our Sunday morning assemblies. Kathy Crown has been doing this for quite some time now and would like a break. We already have the recipe for you. Each recipe makes enough bread for 3 Sundays so with 3 or 4 people on a rotation you would only have to make it once every other month or so. If you would be willing to help out with this please let me know. This is a small task but is very important to us in our weekly worship assemblies.


In Him


Bill Hirth

Worship and Facilities Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd

Ballwin, MO. 63021





[TeenMinistry] Teen Center Help

If you show up a little early tonight, we could use a few of you guys to help take some trash out to the dumpster.  I will try to be there by about 6:15 PM.  THANKS!!!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Tuesday, April 8, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Guys Game Night

Hey GUYS grades 6-12 – you are invited to our (Mike & Lee Ann’s) house on Friday night, April 18.  Bring $5 and your favorite board or electronic game (yes you can bring your wii or whatever – maybe a little Guitar Hero!!!).  You can show up at 6 PM and we’ll be done by 10 PM (come late or leave early if you need to).  We will have hotdogs, nachos and other snacks!!! 


CLICK HERE for a map to our house.


If you are a parent willing to drive the church van or have someone meet at your house to carpool over, please let me know!



[TeenMinistry] Teen Events

Ever wonder what’s going on in the Teen Ministry?





Lose your e-mails? NO PROBLEM –



If these don’t help, you can always use the old-fashioned way of calling – my cell is 317.796.8720 or if you’re calling from a land line it’s 636.549.8644




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Monday, April 7, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Harding invitation - Lacrosse Game w/ Wash U

Students and Parents are invited to come out and watch the Harding University men's lacrosse team take on Wash U Friday evening, April 11. There will be a pre-game reception at the McKnight Road church of Christ beginning at 6:30pm. Come enjoy refreshments and Harding give-aways before the game and then cheer on the Bisons. Game starts at 8:00 and the entire evening is free. Please RSVP by Thursday, April 10 by calling or emailing Mark Pruitt: 1.800.477.4407 or mpruitt1@harding.edu.


Here are the directions to the playing field as they were given to me:


From McKnight Rd:

Take 170N

Forrest Park Pkwy (East)

Skinker (Right - South)

Clayton (Right - West)

The playing field is on the right; across from St. Mary's Hospital and Schnucks.


Hope to see you there!!





Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



[TeenMinistry] Camp Ne-o-tez - Camp Dates / Staff Training / Applications

Hey Campers – it’s time to gear up for CAMP!  Can you believe it’s almost that time again?!!!!

Here are some things you need to know about!






Sunday April 27.

We will leave after morning services to attend Camp Staff Training.  You must attend training if you would like serve as a counselor.  You also need to be 15 years old and a baptized believer.  You will not need to bring anything but a notebook.  They are serving lunch there.  We will return by 5:30 PM.


If you want to be a counselor – you can fill out form HERE!!!





CLICK HERE to get your camp applications





Here are the dates for all week-long camp sessions.  You can go to www.neotez.org for more detailed info.


2008 - SUMMER SCHEDULE - 2008

Grade is the one just completed for the 2007-2008 school year.

June 8th - 10th

PreCamp (Kdg - 2nd Grade)

Marlin Henley


June 15th - 21st

10th - 12th Grade

Steve Awtrey


June 22nd - 28th

6th - 8th Grade

Jimmy Teigen


June 29th - July 5th

8th - 10th Grade



July 6th - 12th

All Ages (3rd - 8th Grade Coed)

Tim Ruiz


July 13th - 19th

3rd - 5th Grade Boys

Joe Taylor/Edward Tritschler


July 20th - 26th

3rd - 5th Grade Girls

Ron Burge


August 3rd - 9th

Urban St. Louis City

Matt Chandler
