Friday, July 6, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Soul-lift

Don’t forget – Soullift registration due by this coming Wednesday!!!  I am out of town with our Seniors this weekend but you can give your registrations to Charles Portwood on Sunday, bring them by the office or to Huddle Groups on Wednesday night.  Information and envelopes available in the file holders at the corner of the hallway outside the Teen Room

·       Driver – I have to be at the Convention Center early to help set up and could still use another driver.  (Daryl Simmons is driving the church van). – We leave at 1 PM and should return by no later than 10 PM.

·       Jeremy Camp CONCERT – if you have a season pass and have extra coupons for concert tickets, let me know.

Clarifications on Soullift info (below):

·       The only activity that will have official chaperones is the youth rally on Sunday. 

·       YOU MUST SIGN UP on the Teen-Room Door if you need a ride – if you do not sign up and we do not have extra space, you will not have a ride.

·       We should return by no later than 10 PM.

·       Six-Flags and the Jeremy Camp concert is a family event – there are no official chaperones, however, if you’re going and want to catch up with the rest of the group, we can plan on meeting in the afternoon (Mandy and Amy are planning on being around)

·       Cardinal tickets are reserved for out-of-town Soullift attenders first.  If there are some left over, they will be available to local groups.  If you want some, sign up and pay for them – if they are not available – you will receive a refund for the Cardinal tickets.  The Cardinal game is a family event – there are no official chaperones.



Jr. & Sr. High

July 22-24


July 22:  Youth Rally $10, 2 PM  St. Charles Convention Center – Van will leave at 1 PM sign up on the teen-room door if you need a ride.  (we need a driver for the van if you can help, please see Mike)

            Featuring David Fraze –speaker, “Take Two”-drama and Phil Gold – worship leader.

            T-shirts - $12

July 23:  All day at Six Flags, $24 (provide your own transportation – we can set up a time and place to meet at Six Flags.)

            Jeremy Camp Concert at Six Flags- $4 (this is a new charge this year – still a great deal!)

            Meal Ticket Voucher - $9 – good for an all-you-can-eat buffet from 2-4 PM at the picnic grounds inside Six Flags on Monday.

July 24:  Cubs vss Cardinals - $13 (provide your own transportation)

Please pick up a registration envelope from the Teen Room.  Contact Mike at 636-549-4505 for more information.




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