Thursday, July 26, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Honduras Group - Thursday night

Greetings from Tegucigalpa Honduras.


I am on a really slow internet connection…so try not to read this too fast J


We arrived safely yesterday afternoon around 4:30 (CDT).  We only lost 3 bags…one of them was the bag with Jeremiah’s clothes in them L  so he’s doing laundry tonight.    We started out feasting with our old group from Indianapolis.  It was their last night and there is a nice open-air restaurant that has really good food.  It was good to see old friends and hear of their experiences over the past week.  They spent most of their time in a little village called Izopo where we have helped a fledgling church for the past 4 years.  It is a small agricultural community about 10 miles south of Tegucigalpa while climbing from an altitude of 6000 to about 9000 feet.  It takes about 1.5 hours to get there so no other groups go.  The church is growing.  For the first time when they were there, there were some baptisms.  2 of the elders and one of the teens from North Central were privileged to baptize 7 souls into Christ.  The hard work is paying off and relationships are forming through return visits.  Significantly, at least one of the baptisms was a male and there are other males who are beginning to show interest in the Gospel – the reason that is important for the same reason that it’s important in the states – when fathers lead – their families will follow – and there is no more important task that a father has than to make Christ known in his family!  The group held VBS, a medical clinic, food give-away for 180 families and build approximately 6  houses.   The 40 people from the North Central group left this morning and should be enjoying their soft beds, ice and drinking out of the tap while brushing their teeth by now.  Our little group and a few others will go to Izopo tomorrow (at least that is the plan right now  - we are in Honduras remember and plans change quickly!) to finish 2 houses and perhaps start another one.


Today we spent  the day at Jovenes en Camino (Children on the Way).  It is a boys home that takes in orphaned boys who were most likely living on the streets of Tegucigalpa and gives them a secure environment in which to learn of Christ love for them as well as schooling and a trade so they will be come productive contributors to society.  We spent the day with a group of 40 from the Oakcrest Church in Oklahoma City pouring concrete, tying rebar and playing with kids.


I have some pictures but the connection is way too slow to upload them.


Thank you for your prayers…we are all doing well.  Will try to report again soon.  As you all worship together Sunday without air-conditioning, you can be assured that your brothers and sisters in Honduras will be without air-conditioning as well…but we will be together in Christ…how awesome!!!


(Families of the group – we should be able to contact you by phone sometime Saturday night or Sunday night). 




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Service Project

When:  Friday, August 10

            11:15 until around 4 PM (we will call parents)

What:  Our group will be helping to shift school supply donations from a collection area to the sorting and distribution area.

Bring: $ for ice cream afterward


Eat before you come or bring a sack-lunch.


We need good workers!!!!


See Helen Totty or Chris Payne for more information.


PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE TEEN ROOM DOOR!!!!    PLEASE SIGN UP…PLEASE SIGN UP!!!!   I need you to sign up if you are coming so we will know how much transportation to provide.    So sign up on the teen room door…OR you can respond to me at and let me know you are coming…if you don’t sign up or let me know you are coming, I may not have a ride for you…so please sign up.  J







Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Generations Dinner

Teens, you are invited to a Generations Dinner. Please mark your calendars!!!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Girl's night - thanks

About a dozen of our girls enjoyed spending time together talking, sharing, playing, studying, spa-ing (is that a word J), NOT sleeping and just enjoying one another!


Thank you to Dawn Malcolm for heading this up and to Mandy, Amy and Lee Ann for helping out!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Friday, July 6, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Soul-lift

Don’t forget – Soullift registration due by this coming Wednesday!!!  I am out of town with our Seniors this weekend but you can give your registrations to Charles Portwood on Sunday, bring them by the office or to Huddle Groups on Wednesday night.  Information and envelopes available in the file holders at the corner of the hallway outside the Teen Room

·       Driver – I have to be at the Convention Center early to help set up and could still use another driver.  (Daryl Simmons is driving the church van). – We leave at 1 PM and should return by no later than 10 PM.

·       Jeremy Camp CONCERT – if you have a season pass and have extra coupons for concert tickets, let me know.

Clarifications on Soullift info (below):

·       The only activity that will have official chaperones is the youth rally on Sunday. 

·       YOU MUST SIGN UP on the Teen-Room Door if you need a ride – if you do not sign up and we do not have extra space, you will not have a ride.

·       We should return by no later than 10 PM.

·       Six-Flags and the Jeremy Camp concert is a family event – there are no official chaperones, however, if you’re going and want to catch up with the rest of the group, we can plan on meeting in the afternoon (Mandy and Amy are planning on being around)

·       Cardinal tickets are reserved for out-of-town Soullift attenders first.  If there are some left over, they will be available to local groups.  If you want some, sign up and pay for them – if they are not available – you will receive a refund for the Cardinal tickets.  The Cardinal game is a family event – there are no official chaperones.



Jr. & Sr. High

July 22-24


July 22:  Youth Rally $10, 2 PM  St. Charles Convention Center – Van will leave at 1 PM sign up on the teen-room door if you need a ride.  (we need a driver for the van if you can help, please see Mike)

            Featuring David Fraze –speaker, “Take Two”-drama and Phil Gold – worship leader.

            T-shirts - $12

July 23:  All day at Six Flags, $24 (provide your own transportation – we can set up a time and place to meet at Six Flags.)

            Jeremy Camp Concert at Six Flags- $4 (this is a new charge this year – still a great deal!)

            Meal Ticket Voucher - $9 – good for an all-you-can-eat buffet from 2-4 PM at the picnic grounds inside Six Flags on Monday.

July 24:  Cubs vss Cardinals - $13 (provide your own transportation)

Please pick up a registration envelope from the Teen Room.  Contact Mike at 636-549-4505 for more information.




[TeenMinistry] Girl's Night

WHAT:  Girl’s Night – pizza, salad, ice cream, spa, crafts all wrapped up in Christian fellowship and faith.

WHEN:  Sunday Night July 15th. - 5:00 PM

WHO:  Grades 6-12 Girls

WHERE:  House next to the office (Future Teen Center)

BRING:  Bible, sleeping bag, pillow, $10 which helps with dinner, breakfast and supplies.

PICK UP: by 11 AM Monday, July 16

RSVP:  By July 11 – e-mail to Dawn Malcolm

CHAPERONES:  Dawn Malcolm, Mandy Johnson, Amy Ellis



Thank you to Dawn for heading this up.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax