Wednesday, June 27, 2007

[TeenMinistry] SoulLift 2007


Jr. & Sr. High

July 22-24


July 22:  Youth Rally $10, 2 PM  St. Charles Convention Center – Van will leave at 1 PM sign up on the teen-room door if you need a ride.  (we need a driver for the van if you can help, please see Mike)

            Featuring David Fraze –speaker, “Take Two”-drama and Phil Gold – worship leader.

            T-shirts - $12

July 23:  All day at Six Flags, $24 (provide your own transportation – we can set up a time and place to meet at Six Flags.)

            Jeremy Camp Concert at Six Flags- $4 (this is a new charge this year – still a great deal!)

            Meal Ticket Voucher - $9 – good for an all-you-can-eat buffet from 2-4 PM at the picnic grounds inside Six Flags on Monday.

July 24:  Cubs vss Cardinals - $13 (provide your own transportation)

Please pick up a registration envelope from the Teen Room.  Contact Mike at 636-549-4505 for more information.



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