Sunday, December 30, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Wednesday Night - Service Project

Hey everyone!  Hoping you had a great Christmas vacation!  It was nice to spend some time with family and friends!


This Wednesday night, our teens will be going with the elementary group to the nursing home.  We will be singing and just spending a little time with some of the residents.  In addition to the Crowns, Daryl Simmons will be going with the group – we need another parent or two with vehicles to help with transportation if needed.  Charles will be leading the group in singing.


Lee Ann and I will be leaving this Tuesday to travel to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the National Conference on Youth Ministries.  We will be with about 500 other youth ministers and their wives for the week.  This has become an annual trip for us which allows us to re-energize, re-focus and network with other youth ministers from across the country.  Lee Ann’s parents will be here with our kids and will be worshipping with you all on Sunday.  Wasper and Jennifer Roberson will be teaching the Jr. High class on Sunday morning.  We will be returning Sunday evening.


We look forward to another year of spiritual growth and seeing what God has in store for our youth group!  Just today, most of our Jr. High class committed to trying to read God’s Word at least 10 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week.  I can’t think of a better way to spend our time!  We will get going on that next week!


We consider it an honor and a blessing to be working here at Lafayette with you all!




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Thursday, December 20, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Christmas Party at the Zellers - Pictures

Thanks to the Zellers for the awesome time we had at their house Friday night!!!


Here are some pictures Kathy sent to me!  


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown, Youth Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63025


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Caroling - Wednesday Night

Just a reminder that tomorrow night our teens we will be going caroling in our church’s neighborhood.  Meet in the Teen Room promptly at 7 PM.  We will make our way back by 8 PM.  If you come late, just look for our group along Rojean (the street that the office and Teen House face).


Dress warm, bring a flashlight, don’t forget your smile!


We could use extra voices, if you are an adult and would like to join us, just come to the Teen Room by 7 PM


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Monday, December 17, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Noodles & Co.

Thanks to everyone who supported the youth group by eating at Noodles & Co.

We just received a check of $93!  Not bad for eating good food!


Thanks to Dawn Malcolm for helping to make this happen.




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Friday, December 14, 2007

[TeenMinistry] TLC (Traing Leaders for Christ)

Greater St. Louis

Teen Leadership Conference 2008

For Sr. High Teen Leaders




Here is some information for TLC – if you are interested, please contact me for a brochure or download it here. The information in red is for Lafayette Teens and not on the form.  Jerry intends to be very strict on the deadline this year!!! SO DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET YOUR INTERVIEW GOING!!!



  1. Must be a baptized believer.
  2. Must be active in church youth program (determined by Youth Leader).
  3. Must send two references from church leaders (one must be from your Youth Leader) with application.
  4. Interview a leader in your church (not a relative or youth minister) on the topic of Leadership.  Must include a minimum of 10 questions.  Type questions & answers and send to Jerry Williamson via methods listed below.
  5. Must write a personal Psalm to God (example Psalm 116; 130).  Please put your Psalm and Interview on a CD-R or email them to
  6. Must presently be in High School.




  • You cannot leave the hotel except for lunch on Saturday with the group.
  • You cannot wear jeans, T-shirts or shorts in classes.
  • The classes are not optional, everyone must attend.
  • The Saturday night banquet will be very special, so guys need to wear shirt, tie and dress pants, and ladies need to wear a modest dress or pant suit.
  • You will participate in classes, devotionals, games, movies, banquet, worship and many other fun and challenging activities.





Arrive:  7:00—7:30 p.m. on Friday.  Please arrive by this time.  (Lafayette Teens will leave LC at 6:15 PM)

Cost:  $100.00 per person.  This covers 2 nights’ lodging, 2 breakfasts and Saturday night banquet, group photo, & notebook.  You are responsible for dinner (before conference) on Friday, and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. (LC Teens need to eat dinner before you arrive at the building and we will be back in time for you to eat lunch with your family on Sunday – so the only $$ you will need is lunch on Saturday)

Bring:  A Bible and a positive attitude (notebook and pen are provided).


Complete an application/health information form for each person.

Mail application, references and essay with $50 (non-refundable; $50 balance due at registration) to:

Jerry Williamson

Florissant Church of Christ

16460 New Halls Ferry Road

Florissant, MO 63031

(checks sent to Jerry should be payable to “Youth Rally Fund”.)

Deadline is January 16, 2008.










Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Shopping & a movie

Can’t shake your parents long enough to get them a Christmas gift?  Want to spend a little time with friends while getting some Christmas shopping done?  Haven’t even thought of Christmas yet?


After the weather “put a damper” on our time out last week, as announced last Sunday -  the shopping outing is THIS Sunday!  Pretty much the same plan except you voted Wednesday night to include a movie!    We will be going to see Alvin and the Chipmunks at Wehrenberg Des Peres Cine 14.  We will be going to the 4:05 showing, which should put us out around 5:45 and back to the building by around 6 PM.  (we will only cancel if the driving is treacherous or if we lose all our chaperones – parents if you can be a backup chaperone let me know)


If you don’t want to go to the movie, you can have your parents pick you up at the mall by 3 PM outside the food court entrance.



  • We leave after class on Sunday – meet in the Teen Room – if you’re not in the teen room, you may get left behind!
  • You will need $$ for lunch in the food court
  • You will need $$ to buy your parents really big presents
  • You will be in groups of 4 or more – Jr. High will need to be with a chaperone.
  • If you go to the movie, you will need $8.75 for a ticket (11 and under is $6.75) – it’s not a matinee after 4 on Sundays.
  • If you don’t go to the movie, your parents need to pick you up outside the food court entrance at the mall by 3 PM.  (PARENTS - PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL BE DOING THIS)
  • We will be back to the building by around 6 PM



·       MY CELL PHONE # is 636-549-4505 (when you call from a local land line) – from your cell phone it’s 317-796-8720 (that’s what shows up when I call you)




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

[TeenMinistry] OOOPS!


Sorry about sending you the wrong e-mail.  I typed the Teen Ministry list name into the document instead of the one I was supposed to. 


I hope you all are having a great start to the day!  I am praying God’s blessings for you today!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] NCYM UpDate - December 10, 2007

National Conference on Youth Ministries
NCYM Update
It’s not too late to register!!!
If you pre-register, you can avoid the hassle of filling out all that stuff in the registratioin line at the conference. Go to and make sure you get your 2008 NCYM registration taken care of now!
Graduate Class

December 10, 2007

Graduate Class
Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you plan to bring your children to the conference and what their ages are so that we can more accurately plan for your needs.  

If you need to bring your small children to the conference, we have a treat for you this year!  The following is information regarding babysitting at the conference in Atlanta:

The babysitters will be college girls screened by Perry Price (NCYM board member and local Atlanta Youth Minister) and are members of his church.
We will always use at least 2 sitters at a time.
The age range we can accommodate will be toddlers up to age 5.
We will try to maintain a 1 to 5 child/sitter ratio.
The babysitting service will be free to the attendees on a first come-first served basis.  If there are too many children for the size of the room, we will need to restrict the numbers and/or limit the time the child is allowed to stay.
We plan to provide the service during all keynotes/worship times and for the women's class offerings.
The babysitting room will be periodically monitored by board members and other designated adults.  We also plan to have a camera set up to constantly monitor the room from the outside.
We will have some toys and activities available, but it would be helpful if parents brought some of their child's favorite toys too.
There will be disinfectant spray used on toys and surfaces after each babysitting session.
We will have Cheerios, Goldfish, and water available for a light snack.

This will be a low-key type of service for the attendees and is not intended to be a daycare center.  We just wanted to make coming to the conference a bit easier for the moms, and we assure you that your child will be loved and taken care of in a safe environment.

Our guidelines are not set in stone, and we are willing to adjust if we need to.

May God Bless Your Ministry and Your Family,
Jana Cannon,  NCYM Board member
The 2008 NCYM Board in front of the Atlanta Airport Hilton.
Use the Spotlight to highlight  important features or points of interest. 
To catch the reader’s attention, place and interesting sentence or quote from the story here.
Newsletter Spotlight
Make sure you check often for updates on entertainment, speakers, registration and other NCYM news.  
If you would like to be removed from the NCYM mailing list CLICK HERE to send a blank e-mail which will unsubscribe you from future mailings.
Band of Brothers	
So, who is this Band of Brothers? It started unofficially with a half dozen guys sitting on tables discussing ideas for this aging group of youth ministers and has morphed into a list of about 45 guys and gals, all with more than 15 years of full time ministry behind them. While focused to speak to youth ministry professionals with 15 years or more in the field, there are no restrictions on the number of years one has been in ministry to qualify for the pre-conference gathering. If this interests you, sign up. There are, however, only 35 spaces available—register soon!  Your $50 pre-conference registration fee can be paid along with your general conference fee online by clicking here.
The schedule for this inaugural year of Band of Brothers starts with a coffee reception on Wednesday morning, January 2 at 9 AM followed by sessions of encouragement, sharing and discussion facilitated by Jeff Walling. Lunch is on-our-own but we hope that we might choose to eat in clusters of manageable small groups. Our sessions will end by 5 PM.  
Click here to go to the NCYM website to find out more about Band of Brothers.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are interested in our graduate course offering, you need to register by Thursday, Decem­ber 20.


The National Conference on Youth Ministries is committed to helping youth ministers grow in all facets of their ministry.  An important part of our conference is continuing education. 

This year we are pleased to offer a post-graduate class taught by Dr. Barry Stephens from Lubbock Christian University.


MIN 6352 – Studies in Adv. Church Leadership Change and the Leadership System


COURSE SUMMARY:  Dr. Barry Stephens will offer a Master’s course that addresses issues that affect anyone in fulltime min­istry.  The course will be a study of leadership models in churches, and how those models affect and are affected by change.  Specific attention will be given to approaches that move churches out of unhealthy models of leadership to more effective leadership and ministry models.


To register for this course, you must contact Donna Taylor in the office of Graduate Biblical Studies at Lubbock Christian Univer­sity.  Phone:  806-720-7662.  Email:  For more information on the course, you may contact Dr. Stephens at or at 806-795-5201.   Click here to download the Course Syllabus.


Tentative Times for the Class:

 Wed., January 2                    Noon – 5:00 p.m.

 Thurs. January 3                   9:30 – 11:30 a.m.; 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

 Fri., January 4                       9:30 – 11:30 a.m.; 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

 Sat., January 5                      9:30 – 11:30 a.m.; 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you plan to bring your children to the conference and what their ages are so that we can more accurately plan for your needs.  

If you need to bring your small children to the conference, we have a treat for you this year!  The following is information regarding babysitting at the conference in Atlanta:

The babysitters will be college girls screened by Perry Price (NCYM board member and local Atlanta Youth Minister) and are members of his church.
We will always use at least 2 sitters at a time.
The age range we can accommodate will be toddlers up to age 5.
We will try to maintain a 1 to 5 child/sitter ratio.
The babysitting service will be free to the attendees on a first come-first served basis.  If there are too many children for the size of the room, we will need to restrict the numbers and/or limit the time the child is allowed to stay.
We plan to provide the service during all keynotes/worship times and for the women's class offerings.
The babysitting room will be periodically monitored by board members and other designated adults.  We also plan to have a camera set up to constantly monitor the room from the outside.
We will have some toys and activities available, but it would be helpful if parents brought some of their child's favorite toys too.
There will be disinfectant spray used on toys and surfaces after each babysitting session.
We will have Cheerios, Goldfish, and water available for a light snack.

This will be a low-key type of service for the attendees and is not intended to be a daycare center.  We just wanted to make coming to the conference a bit easier for the moms, and we assure you that your child will be loved and taken care of in a safe environment.

Our guidelines are not set in stone, and we are willing to adjust if we need to.

May God Bless Your Ministry and Your Family,
Jana Cannon,  NCYM Board member
Conference Convenience—Babysitting Available
Make sure you check often for updates on entertainment, speakers, registration and other NCYM news.  
If you would like to be removed from the NCYM mailing list CLICK HERE to send a blank e-mail which will unsubscribe you from future mailings.
Band of Brothers	
So, who is this Band of Brothers? It started unofficially with a half dozen guys sitting on tables discussing ideas for this aging group of youth ministers and has morphed into a list of about 45 guys and gals, all with more than 15 years of full time ministry behind them. While focused to speak to youth ministry professionals with 15 years or more in the field, there are no restrictions on the number of years one has been in ministry to qualify for the pre-conference gathering. If this interests you, sign up. There are, however, only 35 spaces available—register soon!  Your $50 pre-conference registration fee can be paid along with your general conference fee online by clicking here.
The schedule for this inaugural year of Band of Brothers starts with a coffee reception on Wednesday morning, January 2 at 9 AM followed by sessions of encouragement, sharing and discussion facilitated by Jeff Walling. Lunch is on-our-own but we hope that we might choose to eat in clusters of manageable small groups. Our sessions will end by 5 PM.  
Click here to go to the NCYM website to find out more about Band of Brothers.
Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you plan to bring your children to the conference and what their ages are so that we can more accurately plan for your needs.  

If you need to bring your small children to the conference, we have a treat for you this year!  The following is information regarding babysitting at the conference in Atlanta:

The babysitters will be college girls screened by Perry Price (NCYM board member and local Atlanta Youth Minister) and are members of his church.
We will always use at least 2 sitters at a time.
The age range we can accommodate will be toddlers up to age 5.
We will try to maintain a 1 to 5 child/sitter ratio.
The babysitting service will be free to the attendees on a first come-first served basis.  If there are too many children for the size of the room, we will need to restrict the numbers and/or limit the time the child is allowed to stay.
We plan to provide the service during all keynotes/worship times and for the women's class offerings.
The babysitting room will be periodically monitored by board members and other designated adults.  We also plan to have a camera set up to constantly monitor the room from the outside.
We will have some toys and activities available, but it would be helpful if parents brought some of their child's favorite toys too.
There will be disinfectant spray used on toys and surfaces after each babysitting session.
We will have Cheerios, Goldfish, and water available for a light snack.

This will be a low-key type of service for the attendees and is not intended to be a daycare center.  We just wanted to make coming to the conference a bit easier for the moms, and we assure you that your child will be loved and taken care of in a safe environment.

Our guidelines are not set in stone, and we are willing to adjust if we need to.

May God Bless Your Ministry and Your Family,
Jana Cannon,  NCYM Board member
Conference Convenience—Babysitting Available
Make sure you check often for updates on entertainment, speakers, registration and other NCYM news.  
If you would like to be removed from the NCYM mailing list CLICK HERE to send a blank e-mail which will unsubscribe you from future mailings.
Band of Brothers	
So, who is this Band of Brothers? It started unofficially with a half dozen guys sitting on tables discussing ideas for this aging group of youth ministers and has morphed into a list of about 45 guys and gals, all with more than 15 years of full time ministry behind them. While focused to speak to youth ministry professionals with 15 years or more in the field, there are no restrictions on the number of years one has been in ministry to qualify for the pre-conference gathering. If this interests you, sign up. There are, however, only 35 spaces available—register soon!  Your $50 pre-conference registration fee can be paid along with your general conference fee online by clicking here.
The schedule for this inaugural year of Band of Brothers starts with a coffee reception on Wednesday morning, January 2 at 9 AM followed by sessions of encouragement, sharing and discussion facilitated by Jeff Walling. Lunch is on-our-own but we hope that we might choose to eat in clusters of manageable small groups. Our sessions will end by 5 PM.  
Click here to go to the NCYM website to find out more about Band of Brothers.

Monday, December 10, 2007

[TeenMinistry] NCYM UpDate - December 10, 2007

National Conference on Youth Ministries
NCYM Update
It’s not too late to register!!!
If you pre-register, you can avoid the hassle of filling out all that stuff in the registratioin line at the conference. Go to and make sure you get your 2008 NCYM registration taken care of now!
Graduate Class

December 10, 2007

Graduate Class
Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you plan to bring your children to the conference and what their ages are so that we can more accurately plan for your needs.  

If you need to bring your small children to the conference, we have a treat for you this year!  The following is information regarding babysitting at the conference in Atlanta:

The babysitters will be college girls screened by Perry Price (NCYM board member and local Atlanta Youth Minister) and are members of his church.
We will always use at least 2 sitters at a time.
The age range we can accommodate will be toddlers up to age 5.
We will try to maintain a 1 to 5 child/sitter ratio.
The babysitting service will be free to the attendees on a first come-first served basis.  If there are too many children for the size of the room, we will need to restrict the numbers and/or limit the time the child is allowed to stay.
We plan to provide the service during all keynotes/worship times and for the women's class offerings.
The babysitting room will be periodically monitored by board members and other designated adults.  We also plan to have a camera set up to constantly monitor the room from the outside.
We will have some toys and activities available, but it would be helpful if parents brought some of their child's favorite toys too.
There will be disinfectant spray used on toys and surfaces after each babysitting session.
We will have Cheerios, Goldfish, and water available for a light snack.

This will be a low-key type of service for the attendees and is not intended to be a daycare center.  We just wanted to make coming to the conference a bit easier for the moms, and we assure you that your child will be loved and taken care of in a safe environment.

Our guidelines are not set in stone, and we are willing to adjust if we need to.

May God Bless Your Ministry and Your Family,
Jana Cannon,  NCYM Board member
The 2008 NCYM Board in front of the Atlanta Airport Hilton.
Use the Spotlight to highlight  important features or points of interest. 
To catch the reader’s attention, place and interesting sentence or quote from the story here.
Newsletter Spotlight
Make sure you check often for updates on entertainment, speakers, registration and other NCYM news.  
If you would like to be removed from the NCYM mailing list CLICK HERE to send a blank e-mail which will unsubscribe you from future mailings.
Band of Brothers	
So, who is this Band of Brothers? It started unofficially with a half dozen guys sitting on tables discussing ideas for this aging group of youth ministers and has morphed into a list of about 45 guys and gals, all with more than 15 years of full time ministry behind them. While focused to speak to youth ministry professionals with 15 years or more in the field, there are no restrictions on the number of years one has been in ministry to qualify for the pre-conference gathering. If this interests you, sign up. There are, however, only 35 spaces available—register soon!  Your $50 pre-conference registration fee can be paid along with your general conference fee online by clicking here.
The schedule for this inaugural year of Band of Brothers starts with a coffee reception on Wednesday morning, January 2 at 9 AM followed by sessions of encouragement, sharing and discussion facilitated by Jeff Walling. Lunch is on-our-own but we hope that we might choose to eat in clusters of manageable small groups. Our sessions will end by 5 PM.  
Click here to go to the NCYM website to find out more about Band of Brothers.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are interested in our graduate course offering, you need to register by Thursday, Decem­ber 20.


The National Conference on Youth Ministries is committed to helping youth ministers grow in all facets of their ministry.  An important part of our conference is continuing education. 

This year we are pleased to offer a post-graduate class taught by Dr. Barry Stephens from Lubbock Christian University.


MIN 6352 – Studies in Adv. Church Leadership Change and the Leadership System


COURSE SUMMARY:  Dr. Barry Stephens will offer a Master’s course that addresses issues that affect anyone in fulltime min­istry.  The course will be a study of leadership models in churches, and how those models affect and are affected by change.  Specific attention will be given to approaches that move churches out of unhealthy models of leadership to more effective leadership and ministry models.


To register for this course, you must contact Donna Taylor in the office of Graduate Biblical Studies at Lubbock Christian Univer­sity.  Phone:  806-720-7662.  Email:  For more information on the course, you may contact Dr. Stephens at or at 806-795-5201.   Click here to download the Course Syllabus.


Tentative Times for the Class:

 Wed., January 2                    Noon – 5:00 p.m.

 Thurs. January 3                   9:30 – 11:30 a.m.; 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

 Fri., January 4                       9:30 – 11:30 a.m.; 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

 Sat., January 5                      9:30 – 11:30 a.m.; 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you plan to bring your children to the conference and what their ages are so that we can more accurately plan for your needs.  

If you need to bring your small children to the conference, we have a treat for you this year!  The following is information regarding babysitting at the conference in Atlanta:

The babysitters will be college girls screened by Perry Price (NCYM board member and local Atlanta Youth Minister) and are members of his church.
We will always use at least 2 sitters at a time.
The age range we can accommodate will be toddlers up to age 5.
We will try to maintain a 1 to 5 child/sitter ratio.
The babysitting service will be free to the attendees on a first come-first served basis.  If there are too many children for the size of the room, we will need to restrict the numbers and/or limit the time the child is allowed to stay.
We plan to provide the service during all keynotes/worship times and for the women's class offerings.
The babysitting room will be periodically monitored by board members and other designated adults.  We also plan to have a camera set up to constantly monitor the room from the outside.
We will have some toys and activities available, but it would be helpful if parents brought some of their child's favorite toys too.
There will be disinfectant spray used on toys and surfaces after each babysitting session.
We will have Cheerios, Goldfish, and water available for a light snack.

This will be a low-key type of service for the attendees and is not intended to be a daycare center.  We just wanted to make coming to the conference a bit easier for the moms, and we assure you that your child will be loved and taken care of in a safe environment.

Our guidelines are not set in stone, and we are willing to adjust if we need to.

May God Bless Your Ministry and Your Family,
Jana Cannon,  NCYM Board member
Conference Convenience—Babysitting Available
Make sure you check often for updates on entertainment, speakers, registration and other NCYM news.  
If you would like to be removed from the NCYM mailing list CLICK HERE to send a blank e-mail which will unsubscribe you from future mailings.
Band of Brothers	
So, who is this Band of Brothers? It started unofficially with a half dozen guys sitting on tables discussing ideas for this aging group of youth ministers and has morphed into a list of about 45 guys and gals, all with more than 15 years of full time ministry behind them. While focused to speak to youth ministry professionals with 15 years or more in the field, there are no restrictions on the number of years one has been in ministry to qualify for the pre-conference gathering. If this interests you, sign up. There are, however, only 35 spaces available—register soon!  Your $50 pre-conference registration fee can be paid along with your general conference fee online by clicking here.
The schedule for this inaugural year of Band of Brothers starts with a coffee reception on Wednesday morning, January 2 at 9 AM followed by sessions of encouragement, sharing and discussion facilitated by Jeff Walling. Lunch is on-our-own but we hope that we might choose to eat in clusters of manageable small groups. Our sessions will end by 5 PM.  
Click here to go to the NCYM website to find out more about Band of Brothers.
Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you plan to bring your children to the conference and what their ages are so that we can more accurately plan for your needs.  

If you need to bring your small children to the conference, we have a treat for you this year!  The following is information regarding babysitting at the conference in Atlanta:

The babysitters will be college girls screened by Perry Price (NCYM board member and local Atlanta Youth Minister) and are members of his church.
We will always use at least 2 sitters at a time.
The age range we can accommodate will be toddlers up to age 5.
We will try to maintain a 1 to 5 child/sitter ratio.
The babysitting service will be free to the attendees on a first come-first served basis.  If there are too many children for the size of the room, we will need to restrict the numbers and/or limit the time the child is allowed to stay.
We plan to provide the service during all keynotes/worship times and for the women's class offerings.
The babysitting room will be periodically monitored by board members and other designated adults.  We also plan to have a camera set up to constantly monitor the room from the outside.
We will have some toys and activities available, but it would be helpful if parents brought some of their child's favorite toys too.
There will be disinfectant spray used on toys and surfaces after each babysitting session.
We will have Cheerios, Goldfish, and water available for a light snack.

This will be a low-key type of service for the attendees and is not intended to be a daycare center.  We just wanted to make coming to the conference a bit easier for the moms, and we assure you that your child will be loved and taken care of in a safe environment.

Our guidelines are not set in stone, and we are willing to adjust if we need to.

May God Bless Your Ministry and Your Family,
Jana Cannon,  NCYM Board member
Conference Convenience—Babysitting Available
Make sure you check often for updates on entertainment, speakers, registration and other NCYM news.  
If you would like to be removed from the NCYM mailing list CLICK HERE to send a blank e-mail which will unsubscribe you from future mailings.
Band of Brothers	
So, who is this Band of Brothers? It started unofficially with a half dozen guys sitting on tables discussing ideas for this aging group of youth ministers and has morphed into a list of about 45 guys and gals, all with more than 15 years of full time ministry behind them. While focused to speak to youth ministry professionals with 15 years or more in the field, there are no restrictions on the number of years one has been in ministry to qualify for the pre-conference gathering. If this interests you, sign up. There are, however, only 35 spaces available—register soon!  Your $50 pre-conference registration fee can be paid along with your general conference fee online by clicking here.
The schedule for this inaugural year of Band of Brothers starts with a coffee reception on Wednesday morning, January 2 at 9 AM followed by sessions of encouragement, sharing and discussion facilitated by Jeff Walling. Lunch is on-our-own but we hope that we might choose to eat in clusters of manageable small groups. Our sessions will end by 5 PM.  
Click here to go to the NCYM website to find out more about Band of Brothers.